Please open rtl/instrbits.v.
It has a preliminary buffer to store “imem_rdata” and provides “FETCH_LEN” number of instructions from the buffer.
output `N(`FETCH_LEN) fetch_vld,
output `N(`FETCH_LEN*`XLEN) fetch_instr,
output `N(`FETCH_LEN*`XLEN) fetch_pc,
output `N(`FETCH_LEN) fetch_err,
input `N(`FETCH_OFF) fetch_offset
The output signals of fetch_* are arrays of different information. “vld” is for valid signals of every element; “instr” is for an instruction; “pc” is for a PC address; “err” is for error indication. When this module sends fetch_* to the next module, it expects a return signal: “fetch_offset”, which means how many instructions are taken in and it is safe to eliminate them.
If a jump signal fires a fetching request, the jump target address is not always aligned. SSRV support multiple-word fetching style and it is necessary to remove redundant misaligned half-words from “imem_rdata”.
After that, incoming half-words and half-words stored join together. After removing “fetch_offset” number of instructions, the reset of them will stay in the buffer.
The union of half-words incoming and stored will be analyzed to form “FETCH_LEN” number of instructions.